Originally posted by CookieRevised
tristanj, just enable Windows XP's grouped taskbar buttons. This is exactly what they do...
right click on the taskbar > Properties > Group similar buttons (=second last option in first panel)
Note that this will enable the "grouped view" for all (similar) programs because this is simply a Windows XP feature and nothing specific for MSN Messenger. Doing exactly the same for only MSN Messenger is as good as impossible.
I think he meant with the beta's tabbed conversations. As far as i know since it is all in one window this isnt possible, but it could be done easily. Patchou, this could be possible if you hid the group conversation from the taskbar, then created dummy windows that created buttons on the taskbar but were hidden. If you did it this way you could simply check when one of these dummy windows came into focus, and when so, activated the 'tab window' to the spesific tab. This could be buggy, but im sure it would work..