Originally posted by Patchou
I tried KH2 at the E3 this year and this game rocks! I too am waiting for it (and you can count on another 2 weeks without news from me when the game is out ).
As for FF7AC, after two years of waiting and missed deadlines, it's finally going to be available in stores, in Japan and in the US, September 14th 2005. There's no way it's goping to be delayed for another year .
As for FF12, it's supposed to be out beginning of next year in Japan, so probably during summer in the US and I would say that for Europe, you can count on winter 2006 or spring 2007 (but that's my own speculation).
Holy curd Patchou you lucky *beep* Did u try Kingdom hearts 2 in english? Thats awsome.
FF7AC September 14 2005!!!!??? Awsome!!!! I will buy it instantly. I need that movie.
And also i might go to E3 2007