very very very nice suggestoion
Originally posted by KeyStorm
After quitting the tip by pressing on the exit button or just clicking outside it the icon would disappear until next day (or next reboot)
or maybe not, the icon can be still there... and be pressed for other tips.
Originally posted by KeyStorm
Tips (and their respective translations) would be maintained online and be periodically grabbed by Messenger Plus! making it easier to manage. There could be a group of people who would keep updating and profiling the tips list. If users don't allow Plus! to access the net (using a firewall) the icon won't appear at all
some of the tips should be included in Plus' instalation. I think that the idea of having online tips is good, however built-in tips should be a must-have.
And the tips should be randomly choosen from the online and built-in ones. But adding a new online tip maybe should have more priority.