Originally posted by Time
DJeX: addiction is all the mind, weak minded people with no willpower get themselves addicted and then blame the drugs for it.. haha, they need to just to have a bit more willpower.
Who says trying drugs stops you from having a fun clean life? Drugs can be fun. Otherwise why would people even take them?
How many people drink and are addicted to coffee? What's the difference? Sigh.
All in the mind.... right you tell to the people who get sliped drugs in drinks or something then they become addicted.
Sure drugs are fun when you all high and stuff but then you feel like shit when the hight dies off then you want more. Useally depressed people or people who have problems take drugs to make them feel better. Not to have fun.
And thoes people who are addicted to coffee useally drink alot to keep them awake in there jobs.
Takeing druges just to have fun then feel like shit after the high wares off is in my opinion stupid.
Originally posted by Time
I'm just trying to tell you to not preach and have some perspective.
WTF again.... who cares if we preach it, you don't like us preaching don't listen then, don't reply to this thread.