Originally posted by Dreth
Just don't use the Open-Conversation-Notifier...it's not important, the important one is the Close-Conversation one, and the only "fake" one is when it says "has left the conversation" after 15 seconds of inactivity. If it happens again, it means the person really did close the window.
Or if it says "left the conversation" soon after a message was sent by the other person, it obviously means they closed it.
Whar the hell would you want to know when they OPEN the window for?
TO go ahead of them and type "AHA I CAUGHT YOU! I TYPED FIRST!"
I know, i use closed notifier, love it.
And the reason for open convo notifier is 1) is a good block checker, if the dummies sto0pid enough to open your convo when theyve blocked you. And 2) if someone claims theyre not there, and they open your convo, youve caught them out
Has many uses.