Originally posted by dgelwin
Click Me go to this url if you want to find out who has blocked you.
click & read >>
Block checkers DO NOT work << click & read
There is no possible accurate way to know if a contact has blocked you.
(and if it isn't accurate; you can
not know if the contact has blocked you or is simply offline or appears to be offline)
No matter, what you may believe or not, no matter what online sites let you believe, these are facts and this is simply the way the MSN Messenger protocal works;
it is programmed that way. There is no hack or whatever for this.
As for StuffPlug and its ability to talk to someone who have blocked you, the note that Absorbation gave is very important:
Note: They must have a connection through the server to your msn
e.g have the conversation left open which is very hard to make your contact do so the feature is usally used for talking to people while your status if offline.