The way I made it now, there is just a Interval. For example, you can choose 3 hours, then every 3 hours your name is changed. When you turn of msn and you come back 8 hours later, your name is immediatly changed, but off course only once. So when you "miss" a change, because you aren't online, the next change is when you sign in. The one after that is again 3 hours later, off course if you are still online then (or again online).
So your name is changed after "interval" seconds (or after a whole day), or later if you aren't online at the moment of change. It is never changed earlier (as long as you don't change the interval).
The only problem is installing it. After a long research I found out howto install it at windows XP (copy the dll to a dir that's not the msgplus plugin dir, then register it using regasm and load it into the GAC) but that doesn't work at windows 98. Any help is welcome, if you know howto install VB.NET or C#.NET plugins, please contact me. Off course I don't mean "know how it should work" because I read all the manuals
. But if you've got source code of a VB.NET of C#.NET plugin, and you are able to install it at all computers with msg plus!, then I would really like to have your help! (of course I do know users need the .NET framework, that isn't the problem)