With all respect, but how long does it take to make something which works for everybody, doesn't relay on dirty hacks, etc...?
MessengerDiscovery has been going on for a few years now, and still there isn't a bugfree and above all solid version.
Small bugs or one thing, but big bugs, incompatibily problems, freezes, crashes, you named it, are another thing...
Over the years, people have continuously reported (serious) problems with this addon. Maybe it is time to seriously rethink the whole concept, start from scratch and make one feature at the time 100% working and test it seriously before working on another feature. And don't make empty promises or provide listings of many half-arsed features...
Long time ago, I once said I'll wait for judging this addon until it has matured a bit. Well, it hasn't really matured in my feeling at all. Nevertheless time has pasted and still there isn't a solid version, it still is buggy like hell, etc...
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.