Originally posted by the andyman
is there any way to stop the window showing when plus! (and therefore the plugin) starts. it's only started showing in the newest version and is a bit annoying.
also is there any thought of being able to click on one of the column heads (eg artist) and make the rows in order of whatever clicked instead of always play count in future versions
EDIT: just noticed the window autohides itself, but is there any way to get it not to come up at all...
Thanks for your comments, unfortunately the window needs to be generated else MsgPlus refuses to accept any requests to the EventLog. It should all happen within half a second though!
I'll maybe implement the other stuff in a future version.
Originally posted by J-Thread
Jedimark, maybe you should remove the first slash?
And path is: SOFTWARE\Patchou\MsgPlus2
Ah, good idea! Will give it a go when I get back home.