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Is it better to interface directly with the MSN COM API or Plus! really does make life easier?
Well from my experience using the Messenger object passed from Plus! is a lot easier, paticurly with C++.
Is the Plus! API justa wrapper around the default MSN API
No, the Plus! API and MSN API are totally different. Plus! passes a reference to a Messenger API object, and then it has its own Plus! API which allows things such as parsing commands/tags, showing toasts and adding to the event log.
Is there a implementation of the Plus! API for C#?
I think there is yes, although I don't think it is an official version included with the plugin documentation --->
Help: Plugins
I want my plug-in to communicate to my PHP app on the server.. what techinique would be the best to use?
I would use HTTP myself, although I think XML/SOAP would probably be the best way.