O.P. Change message limit
In regular MSN, the character limit per message is 400. With MsgPlus, it can be set to 1100. With StuffPlug, it can go up to 5000!
My questions are:
1. From what I observe the 400-limit don't seem to be a protocol thingy, or rather, there is no stringent check at the MSN servers because the other contact can receive the 5000-characters messages without installing those plugins. How do I set my own characters limit? I'm programming a plugin in VB and it will need to send as many stuff at one go as possible.
2. I tried StuffPlug, setting the limit to 5000 and disabling MsgPlus' 1100 limit. Expectedly, normal text sends just fine and I can send up to 5000. However, if I send with a /xplugin command, the sResult portion will get truncated to 1100 characters, rendering my plugin unable to take advantage of the 5000-limit. Is there a way around this? Patchou, is it possible to remove the check?
This post was edited on 11-20-2005 at 02:23 PM by eSouL.