Originally posted by CookieRevised
Before requesting/asking something, searching the forums can do wonders
(eg: search with (!WAT) itunes)
some previous requests (dating to at least 1 year back)
iTunes WMPlus2 Plugin
Itunes & Plus
Actuall plugins and stuff which do what you want:
Song2Nick: Song2Nick // WindowsMedia Player, MusicMatch Jukebox, Winamp 2,5 and iTunes
iTunes Multi-Plugin: http://www.aqua-soft.org/board/showthread.php?t=20715
iTunes MSN Plugin (many versions, VB.NET, VB6, etc.): iTunes MSN Plugin
Always read the entire threads, they contain lots of need-to-know and need-to-do stuff. Further questions regarding specific plugins/addons should be made in those specific threads....
well ive check all these sources and none of the plugins are hosted anywhere, like there hosted on loycos but arent there anymore. So dose anyone have a copy of them?