Originally posted by ashod
My name is Ashod and I am the developer of WigiWigi ( the world's fastest video phone ) ( http://www.wigiwigi.com ), and am looking for
a plugin developer. I am willing to pay generously for a suitable
developer to help in making WigiWigi accessable via MSN.
From what I've read from WigiWigi, you are looking for a way to add it to MSN Messenger directly, that is, without the need of anything else.
A plugin (and this forum section) is directed towards Messenger Plus!. In other words, a plugin always requires Messenger Plus! to be installed too (and in most such cases on both sides). For WigiWigi this would mean:
1) MSN Messenger installed
2) Messenger Plus! installed
3) The plugin installed
4) WigiWigi installed
I might be wrong in this, but I guess this is not exactly what you're looking for. Thus, I think you actually want to make WigiWigi compatiable with MSN Messenger so that you only have:
1) MSN Messenger installed
2) WigiWigi installed
This would also be the preference, IMHO, for such an addon so you don't need to have many stuff installed and running in order to be able to use WigiWigi.
In short, you want to make WigiWigi into an addon for MSN Messenger (and thus not dependable on another addon -Messenger Plus!- and a plugin for that addon -the plugin-).
Correct me if I'm wrong...
(PS: and if I'm correct, this is in the wrong section of the forum as this section is only for plugins for Messenger Plus!)
Originally posted by Itsme-HcK
I might be able to do it. What exactly do you want us to do?
Without judging your skills, this would require serious advanced programming (and in C++ most likely) and there aren't much people on this forum who could pull it off in a decent way. But if you're up to it, by all means go for it