Its possible for a person with MSN 7.0 with the stuffplug-in to show an enlarged DP to a person with MSN 6.2 without the person with 6.2 having the plugin yes?
For the person with 6.2 and having the stuffplug and the person with 7.0 doesnt have the plugin, the person with 7.0 cant see the enlarged DP of the 6.2 guy??
Were we ALL "forced" to upgrade from 6.2 to 7.0?? Cause if we are still allowed to use 6.2 and if 6.2 people can show the people with 7.0 an enlarged DP without the 7.2 needing the stuffplug-in....I really want to switch back to 6.2 because it was soooo kewl and compatiable with my tastes.
Sorry if all that mumble jumble seems confusing..if you dont understand, please let me know and I ll try to explain again. THANKS