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O.P. Messenger Plus! Live
quote: News source: www.mess.be
Mess.be is extremely proud to be the first in the world to inform you of Patchou's future plans for Messenger Plus! Remember, you heard it here first!
With the (name) switch to Windows Live Messenger, one giant leap for MSN Messenger also means a giant step for the hugely popular Messenger Plus! addon, now used by almost ten million users. Since the start of November, Patchou has started working on version 4.00 which will only be compatible with Windows Live Messenger (Messenger Plus! 3 will stay available for users who remain true to MSN & Windows Messenger, but don't expect any major updates anymore). The brand new version will be recorded from scratch and bear the fresh name: Messenger Plus! Live.
Patchou told us that he didn't exactly know yet what kind of new features he's going to add, but that all the existing ones will be re-thought and adapted to be more useful in the new Windows Live Messenger: "I have a lot of new possibilities that I’m exploiting which means for example a brand new interface, designed to closely match the one of Windows Live Messenger and thus, blend in more seamlessly with Messenger".
More information on this big new project will follow as soon as we gather it. Also keep an eye on the new domain: msgpluslive.net. One thing is for sure though: there will be no release of Messenger Plus! Live before the final release of Windows Live Messenger (expected in the first half of 2006). Patchou needs all the time he can get to create the best product possible.
Previously known as \'lappin\' and \'Third Dimension\'
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