Originally posted by Itsme-HcK
Oh my.
You guys should READ.
we do... and your question has been answered several times though.
Originally posted by Itsme-HcK
What I'm saying is that, when I use the timer, I have to run the DLL ALL the time. So, when it's called, it will not execute that function, for it's still running the first function.
The TimerProc is a callback-function, an assyncronical function, just as events are, it is executed when a timeout occurs.
If you have programmed something which takes all the idle time (aka processing power) of the CPU so events, callbacks, etc can't be executed, you actually entirly lock out (hang) the program which calls you DLL and maybe even Windows itself and nothing will run anymore, meaning your code is bad to start with.
Did you read and fully understand the link raceprouk has given?
Timers on MSDN