Originally posted by Itsme-HcK
About my other problem; that's one big misunderstanding, I guess.
I was talking about Windows messages, you were talking about Messenger messages.
Yeah, apparently. Though you don't need to parse any windows message at all. Unless you're doing subclassing and stuff, but even then a plugin doesn't need to be "active" all the time as windows itself will call the subclassing functions of your plugin (is called callback functions and setting hooks, so that windows knows what to call). In normal circumstances you don't need to subclass or hook anything.
Originally posted by Itsme-HcK
Now about this one, I think a command could still be usefull. Typing everything uppercase sucks as hell.
Very true. However, you don't have to type everything always in uppercase, as the tag will almost always and only be used in a quicktext. And a quicktext can have his own command (and tag for that matter) set and choosen by the user himself