Originally posted by simsgenius
Right, well people don't want others to have their address cause they don't want them to bug them (that could be solved by blocking) and giving their address out. But what i have found is that some people don't trust other people with their email address but they would still like to talk to them.
I created invisible lists to help with this kind of situation. Check the post:
Originally posted by simsgenius
Well what if you could be on msn and then you joined some sort of thing which meant you had a kinda code which was a few letters and numbers in or something and then all the person has to do is type in something like:
/[whatever msgplus code thing would go here to signal that you wanted to send one of these messages] [persons code] [message]
Not thought this through entirely but you get the jist. I had this idea for mobiles which would probably be more useful but cost lots.
Like Shawnz said, what would be the difference of having your email or code?
Originally posted by simsgenius
And btw, the uk (which i'm in) has a new law that means that as long as i can give proof that i came up with the idea first (this post is proof) then the idea is automatically copyrighted to me and i could take someone to court for copying (but obviously if it was something stupid like i sue them for my idea of using and in 2 sentences in a row they wouldn't let me win). That's just some legal natter so nobody copies the idea.
If you did want the idea for yourself, why would you post in this forum in the first place? eheheh
And I think you can't sue people from countries that have nothing to do with uk