You can't store DP's in a DWORD or even a QWORD.
Completely wrong dude ! Have you ever personally worked with binary structures being embedded within the context of a persistant states ?
Maybe you should explain to the audience the COM IPersistent state of support for the WLM Messenger that is so, so obvious within the registry system that contributes to the sync and cyclic nature of dynamic data replacement as whole.
The very nature of the DWORD notation when one hasn't used such facilities as I stated would suggest suggest a novices attempt to explain away with verbose junk software science just to be as you are always are condescending, especially, if you haven't developed with those coding operations personally.
CookieRevised, have you ever tried 1/2 of the statements that you make concerning your expertise ?
I would have thought that a person with your talents would have solved the DP being replaced dynamically by now.
Oh ya, your missing something that is a signature for WLM for caching within the WLM that I doubt seriously you will find.
Even with your explaination for the directory for WLM cache.
How sad !