Originally posted by CookieRevised
I see... never thought of that 
Originally posted by CookieRevised
[t]his is not what you need in that case.... If they need to know if you're actually online you shouldn't use any automated plugin or addon; you need to tell them yourself in person.
Because, otherwise, how would they know if it is actually you and not the automated script answering in your place when you are not behind your PC?
If they just need to know if you have the status "online" (or one of its decendants) then why don't they simply look at your status? Again, no automated thingie needed for that...
Also, because of what you described I said you need an addon which opens a conversation window, which you agreed upon apparantly. But simply automatically opening a converstion window on your msn messenger will again not let them know you are online or not...
What you are saying are so true.
But I think you need to know my Internet habit

First, I don't let my PC turned on when I'm not using it
(energy conservation rocks and saves a lot of money
Second, I sometimes have many windows open when I am doing something, so I rarely check my contact list.
Note that I do have their names as my desktop contacts and it is set to "always on top".
And... my sister has "so many contacts" (/me rolls his eyes at his sister), so she almost never checks if I'm online or not.
A conversation window that shows up on my taskbar will definitely help me know that one of them goes online, unless there's a way to keep the popup window appears all the time before it gets clicked on, like the scheduler's popups.
Originally posted by CookieRevised
So, if what you want is what you described in your first post here, then you need an addon which automatically opens a new conversation window on your msn messenger.
It seems to be the best solution.