Taken from
MSN Messenger 7.5
If you are using MSN Messenger 7.5, please follow the steps below:
1. Go to
- Download that file
- Rename it to ppcrlconfig.dll
- Drop it in C:\Documents and Settings\[Windows USER]\Application Data\Microsoft\IdentityCRL
This folder might be hidden so make sure you have "show hidden folders/files" enabled. To do this open any folder, go to tools > folder options > view (second tab) and scroll down in the list till you find "show hidden folders/files"..check that.
2. Attempt to sign in again.
If this solution doesn't work i advice to visit
Got 80048883 at sign in? The solution is here.
Edit: sorry for the late reply, i did not notice the edit in your post. If it's been like a day orso since last post you can safely doublepost to bring the thread up again (it gets way down the latest posts list otherwise).