YARR! Be this what ye be searchin' for
Playlist Switcher
I found it buried deep within' the bowels of WinAmp!
CLAN DiCE's Comments:
PlayList SWitcher or PLSW is a general plug-in used to load play list's and then set timers to run the play lists at certain times, run once or stop on certain dates and times. Also it includes a volume selection setting. I believe this plug-in will be more used by ShoutCAST DJ than Joe Soap, but it's great for themed parties and could be used as an alarm clock of some kind.
Staff Review: ***.5 / 5stars
Great tool for ShoutCast and online radio dj's
Let's you set up five different playlist tabs which can all be scheduled to play based on a timer. Great tool for online radio dj's who want to set up a number of playlists and have them cue automatically. Other features include repeat, shuffle, alphablending, etc.
User Review: **** / 5 stars
by DJ Bean
Apr. 22, 2004
I find when this plugin works it can work well. It's a pretty straight forward plugin but there should be some kind of README or a website. All in all, it's a great plugin if the author keeps up with bug fixes. Give it a try if you're Shoutcasting.