Originally posted by ChicaRacing
There's a confirmed rumor about the release date of MSN 8 and it's today!!!!! yei! then i ask, when did msgpluslive come? cause u told us that when the msn 8 beta was released u will give us a posible relase date for it! come on dont let us cry for it more time hahahahahaha pleeease pleaaaaase patchou tell us something could u?
Originally posted by http://www.messengeradictos.com/13/1094/noticias.php
A partir de las próximas horas ya no será necesario esperar a recibir una invitación de algún conocido o amigo para poder probar la nueva beta. Tan sólo hará falta solicitar participar en la fase beta y en poco tiempo, sin colas de espera asegura MSN, recibirás un email con un enlace para poder participar en la beta.
It doesn't say that it's a release, it says that people won't require invitations to try WLM 8.
Although I'm not sure if it's true or not, but it's way different than what you suggest.