RE: BUG: certain group names in contact list will seriously screw up your settings :P
quote:Originally posted by CookieRevised
OMG.... I just discovered such a stupid bug in WLM that it is simply to lame for words...
Hence why I wouldn't withhold you from knowing it (and laughing at he/she who implemented this; probably an interim or jobstudent )
The state of groups (indicated by showing ">", or not showing "^") is stored in the registry so you have exactly the same states the next time you sign in to messenger... So far so good...
It is stored under your personal .NET Passport settings
(HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MSNMessenger\PerPassportSettings\<passportID>... So far so good...
But they are stored as simply and literally the name of the group... DOH!!!!!!!
This means that if you have a group name for example "AllowBuzz" you actually will toggle the "Allow nudges" setting by showing/not showing the contacts in that group!!
(AllowBuzz is the registry setting for "Allow nudges")
That would help some quick setting changes now wouldnt it