Guys it is been 2 weeks they are repeating the same thing, 2 weeks they can't understand my problem, 2 weeks they send fixes that has nothing to do with the description of my problem , 2 weeks they asked 3 times to access my account, 2 week and i'm beggin them to referer to the Points 2.3 and 2.4 of my description, because they show that it is not a usual deleting
Originally posted by points 2.3 and 2.4
If they are online, i can't see them online in my list inspite of not blocking me, it is only a delete so they should appear in my list when they are online, but it is not happening.
If i go to the privacy tag in the options, right-click on one of those persons(when my email isnt in his/her list) the DELETE button isn't enabled, and we know that when you email isn't in someone's list this button should be enabled.
2 weeks they ruin my morning
when i wake read my mail and find a stupid reply :/
i wanted to report their unprofessional handeling of the messages, report their unskilled team.