it doesn't contradict though, it has to do with their allow list and in what lists you are/aren't on their account and also with other options they have or haven't ticked in messenger (and I'm not only talking about the "only allow contacts in my allow list to see my status" as that has actually not much todo in this case). If they have already allowed you in their allow list, they wont get a popup (in general speaking, again depending on other options they might have ticked or not ticked).
Search the forums, I once made a post how all those lists relate to eachother and how it works (in concearn to when you can/can't delete someone and when they get/dont get a popup)
Originally posted by zaher1988
So what to do :/
keep in contact with msn support, and don't rely too much on your own testing as wrong conclussions are made too easly sometimes.