Originally posted by zach
I think the installer could have been made clearer like a box that you have to tick which you would miss if you were like your sister. Not everyone is computer savvy.
Well, when you choose to install or not to install the sponsor nothing is ticked by default, and the option that installs it clearly says sponsor. I don't think it can be made any simpler, because to be honest, even if Patchou wants to avoid problems with people installing the sponsor in mistake he still wants you to install it and make money. About the original problem, your sister broke her promise, that's the source of the problem. If you really want your computer clean you shouldn't let ohters who aren't that computer experienced use it, but that is indeed a bit harsh. Also, there are loads of ohter software with adware like this (even if Plus! is made for younger people aswell, at least used by them).