Originally posted by crazihouse
Beaucoup trop les exploiteurs...De la faim ils ont très peur: (English..faster for me) This is about the hunger in the world. The hunger is caused by people who eat too much, who are too greedy, and who are scared of starving, when really they wouldn't even if they did share.
Des fourrures de Hyènes
Et des dents longues et malsaines
Était tout leur apparat: This sort of explains how the above mentioned "greedy people" are like monsters. They act like monsters when they do not share, to save the world.
Beaucoup trop les exploiteurs: Speaks for itself really, to many people exploit other people to become rich and these people are greedy.
Et incapable d'ambitions
Et de mordre un pauvre raton: They have no ambitions, and they don't care about anyone poor (ratons = personnes pauvres dans ce cas) and they are again, the greedy people.
That's about it imo.