Originally posted by Patchou
True, however, remember that Messenger Plus! Live cannot run on anything below Windows XP, this means that you can happily use any object that comes with XP without worrying about backward compatibility (just make sure you don't use objects installed by the SP2 or make sure your script displays appropriate errors to the user).
This doesn't automatically mean you can use any ActiveX object you have or which comes with XP though... In fact, only a very few ActiveX objects come nativly with XP which everybody can use without any restrictions. All other ActiveX objects are installed with SDK's like Visual Studio and the likes.
Originally posted by Pai
Also after googling a bit I found this site that contains a fix for this, but I need VB installed for it to work, which I don't have nor intend to ...
the stuff talked about in that thread is exactly a part of what is said in the KB articles I linked to.
Originally posted by Pai
Well, the bigger issue in this for me isn't that I won't be able to use winsock in my scripts, but other scripts that use it and when they are released to the general public people like me will have problems with them (considering that the percentage of developers that have the necessary licenses to use the script will be small)...
yep, this is exactly why I said that developpers should be very carefully in using ActiveX objects in my first posts (even those who seem to be 'general' and wide spread) and not automatically assuming that if they have them installed, everybody has them installed.
There is nothing you can do about this unless you obtain a license for them (thru installing a legit licensed development package).