i never thought about the hiddens sides of Plus! - to me that sounds like you can accept hidden options by pressing they ampersands and then hit the Ok-button...
I do not agree with you. Well a little - of course you cant say its a collision if a menu has the same apersands as the hidden menu 'beneath' but still - thats not the essential... the essential is that a shortcut is created.
An example without any releation to reality:
If the shown menu has a radiobutton with the text
'&Enable Chatlogging'
and the hidden menu beneath has a checkbutton with the text
'Disable &emoticons for 7 seconds'
... it is correct that a collisionprogram will see this as a collision. But it dosnt matter! who cares if the program fix something that might be correct to something that still works... The program could easily fix the last sentence to:
'&Disable emoticons for 7 seconds'
... without problem... As long as the sections are structured as the visual 'image' (menu) i am almost certain that most of the problems in making a collision-checker is solved. Of course there is some exceptions like with the OK, Ignore, Cancel etc-buttons but i still claim that there is a work-around...
Prove me wront