Hi, nice work. I also added this:
function OnEvent_ChatWndSendMessage(Wnd,Msg) {
if(Msg == "flash") {
return "";
So if you don't want to speak to the person but you want to keep the window open you typ flash and it stops flashing..
It's a really cool script, but perhaps there are more possibility's like adding more led's on the com-port and for example:
*turn a red led on when your signed out
*turn a green led on when you recieve a message from someone special (you can do that with more led's)
*you can think yourself of more
I di'dn't found anything to turn on more numbers of the com-port, perhaps that isn't possible because the com-port is used to transfer data.
But what if you use the printer-port, you could use (from the head) 6 pins, so 6 leds. I already have something to turn lights, radio, accespoint on and of with your parallel-port (printer-port) but i can't get this work in messenger plus! live scripts.
In visual basic .NET 2005 i use this:
Module Module1
Public Declare Sub PortOut Lib "io.dll" (ByVal Port As Integer, ByVal Value As Byte)
Public Declare Function PortIn Lib "io.dll" (ByVal Port As Integer) As Byte
End Module
Call PortOut(888, 255)
I copied this from the source file so it's a kinda messy, but you get the point. Does anyone know how to do this in Live scripts?
The most important thing is to import 'io.dll'...
Greetz Themuzz