This is what i have so far, It will only trun off the led but it wont turn it on
If some one can debug it and release it please be my guest
//WML Flash 1.0 for MPL! by
var VK_num = 144
var Vk_scroll = 145
var VK_caps = 20
function OnEvent_Initialize(bMessengerStart){
//turns off the light when initalised
function OnEvent_Uninitialize(bMessengerExit){
//when a chat window is created it starts a timer
function OnEvent_ChatWndCreated(){
MsgPlus.AddTimer('check', 100);
//when the chat window is closed it stops the timers and turns the light off
function OnEvent_ChatWndDestroyed(){
//when a message is typed by you the light will turn off
//function OnEvent_ChatWndEditKeyDown(){
//this turns the light off and on depending on the timers
function OnEvent_Timer(sTimerId){
if(sTimerId == 'check'){
Interop.Call('user32', 'keybd_event', VK_num, 0, 0, 0);
Interop.Call('user32', 'keybd_event', VK_num, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);
MsgPlus.AddTimer('check2', 200);
if(sTimerId == 'check2'){
Interop.Call('user32', 'keybd_event', VK_num, 0, 0, 0);
Interop.Call('user32', 'keybd_event', VK_num, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);
MsgPlus.AddTimer('check', 200);