Originally posted by t_pass6
I don't think that there is a way to know if a contact has Messenger Plus or not, you just have to add the contacts who have MsgrPlus to the Switch cases list, and they will see it, but if someone doesn't have his adress in the cases list the message will be sent like a normal message (default case). There is also a small modification of the code ezra made, because you have to check if the message is a command or not. You just have to add a condition to the Replace_Text function like this :
function Replace_Text(Color1, Color2, Message, MsgOutput)
if (Message.charAt(0) == '/')
return Message;
return "[c=" + Color1 + "]" + Message + "[/c=" + Color2 + "]";
I don't undastnd wha u mean by add the contacts who have
messenger plus live to a cases list.
Which cases list is this???