Originally posted by CookieRevised
Originally posted by bugmenot
while you are right that not everybody uses he paches, there are ome tha are very nice. For example removing the "billing information" menu item, that has nothing to do with billing, but is instead contains links to worthless premium services.
Other nice features are the removal of the ads, the increase in the maximum size of personal messages, and a few other features that have general interest.
both kind of things which Patchou wont include (in fact he removed the ad removal feature) because he wouldn't want to comprimise the good relationship between him and MS. more here in that sticky thread: 'MSN advertisement banner' removal
Well The problem with that theroy is that Microsoft not only does not need to make any money on Messenger, but that they make very little anyway. Virtually nobody clicks on the ads down there. Generally they are just a pain, waisting screen space. Heck, that applies to damn near all of Messenger 8.
Messenger 7 was awful wihout patching, and Messenger 8 is al but unusable without extensive patching.
I would figure that
Patchou would appreciate the benefts that patching can bring, but perhaps I am wrong.