O.P. Gradient text problem
Right, i wrote my self a script for gradient text, only problem being, people with out windows live plus, cant understand me, because ofthe colour codes infrotn and at the end of the text. And also, i cant send sounds when i have gradient text on.
here is my script :
function OnEvent_ChatWndSendMessage(ChatWnd, Message)
var MsgOutput = null;
MsgOutput= "[c=4]" + Message + "[/c=3]" ;
return MsgOutput;
I was wodnering if you guys could edit it so it only sends gradient to certain contacts( obviously i can write the addresses in the code myself) and if theres a way to send sounds aswell as using gradient text.
Oh, and if possible, i heard theres a fancy little feature that makes the gradient text go from one colour to another, the nback to the original?
I'd be grateful for a little help.