Originally posted by tungmeister
every track change
Hmm, wonder if the iTunes events aren't firing or if there's some other problem... will talk to you about it more when I have time. Could you try having the lyrics window open when you change track and see if it refreshes?
Originally posted by Xelame
When I always open the file, it says 'Destination directory for the script couldn't be found'.
Odd, when you install? Sounds like a plus problem or something.
If you're using vista, make sure the scripts directory has full access.
Originally posted by tinpiliycfa
Hello I have a bug with the beta version. In fact it doesn't change my dp anymore until I go to option and click on save.
also where do pics are save when He will take them from amazon please ?
Same problem as above, will look into this.
And the picture is saved temporarily in C:\Program Files\Messenger Plus! Live\Scripts\iTunes+\Images\ while being added to the iTunes library.