Originally posted by Chrono
Originally posted by kristof
No, i not understand.
But i think that msgpluslive over two years a hack program becomes for msn messenger live by stupid scripters.
so why do you think so? cant you explain what went wrong?
But dutch, can another that transmation:
Kan iemand die misschien in het engels vertalen?:
Wel, ik vind die script helemaal niet goed! Met deze script heb je geen privacy meer op msn, als iedereen deze script heeft dan kan iedereen in de lijst zien wie - wie heeft geblokkeerd en dat is vreselijk dom en je hebt hierdoor helemaal geen privacy meer. Als de scripters nog meer van zo'n scripts maken voor msgliveplus, wordt msgliveplus binnen 2 -3 jaar een hackprogramma. Ik vind het ook schandalig dat msgliveplus zo'n scripts op de officieele site zetten?!?
I try translate it itself:
I find that script not good! That script have you not privacy more on msn live messenger, as everyone haves that script than can ereryone seen who that who haves geblocked and that is't stupid and you have not privacy more. As the scripts-bulding-hackers more this scripts bulding than becomes msgliveplus concerning two-three years a hack program.
Originally posted by Matty
Originally posted by Chrono
Originally posted by kristof
No, i not understand.
But i think that msgpluslive over two years a hack program becomes for msn messenger live by stupid scripters.
so why do you think so? cant you explain what went wrong?
He thinks that the script either lets you see if people blocked you or lets people see you blocked them.
Yes, correct!