RE: [RELEASE] Gmail Checker - get alerts upon new emails in your gmail accounts
Hello Chancer.
I would of thought Cooldude_i06 would have read your suggestion.
I have recently tested the update.
And i can say he has NOT added it yet but he may will do soon.
I can confirm he has done the following:
1. Fix accounts not being removed from memory. - DONE
2. Add save username and pass tab to Check Gmail Accounts. - DONE
3. Option to check stored account in Check Gmail Accounts window. - DONE
4. MAJOR - Display only new emails alerts. - DONE
Other people have suggested other thing's in the above.
I always ask Cooldude if he has read them.
Most of the time it's a YES.
I can say from the idea's above me and Cooldude have been thinking about.
1. Event Logs.
2. Extra Tweaking.
I cannot go into detail yet.
But im sure he will add more stuff.
If you want more information, Im sure you can reply here and ask Cooldude.