Originally posted by Sunshine
Additional info: i downloaded the script from http://www.msgpluslive.net/scripts/browse/index.php?act=view&id=35
That script is different to the code i posted.
My code doesn't place a full stop after an exlamation mark, nor a question mark.
In regards to your emot problem - my script, again, doesnt have these problems.
Just so you know, this is the script you downloaded:
function OnEvent_ChatWndSendMessage(pChatWnd, sMessage){
sMessage = sMessage.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + sMessage.substr(1) + '.'
return sMessage;
If you looked at my code, you would notice that it is far longer.
Please do not blame my code for another code's bugs!
Note: I use the term "my code" loosely. Code not 100% created by me - but i have tested, debuged, tested, debuged and then i tested and debugged some more.