now thanks to Pai, i've got the menu up and running and even some primative (albeit useless....) toasts popping off :D the problem i'm having now is that i can't get any response back from the preferences window, no control clicked event, no nothing :^) nothing registers in the debugger after the menu clicked event. everything in in unicode, and the window ID is correct to the best of my knowledge. below is my code:
* Hook to Prefs Window
function OnnwaPrefsEvent_CrtlClicked(nwaWnd, ControlId)
if(ControlId == "BtnOK")
// nwaLogin = PlusWnd.GetControlText("nwalogininput");
// nwaPassword = PlusWnd.GetControlText("nwapasswordinput");
// nwaMailInterval = PlusWnd.GetControlText("nwamailinput") * 60000;
// nwaRequestInterval = PlusWnd.GetControlText("nwarequestsinput") * 60000;
// nwaBulletinInterval = PlusWnd.GetControlText("nwabulletininput") * 60000;
// nwaEventInterval = PlusWnd.GetControlText("nwaeventsinput") * 60000;
// nwaBlogInterval = PlusWnd.GetControlText("nwablogsinput") * 60000;
// SaveSettings(Messenger.MyEmail);
I've commented out those lines b/c they're useless until i can get something back from the windows. any help is greatly apprieciated!
and my current script pack is attached to sate curriosity :)