Originally posted by Marelo
No... My script is pretty simple...
No COM's, DLL's, and so on... Just a short .js file...
The contents of the script isn't important, how the script is saved and where is important:
Originally posted by Dempsey
Things to check:- Is the .JS file in the root of the pack? Not in a subfolder?
But the error you get is caused by:
Originally posted by Marelo
The contents of the generated ScriptInfo.xml is:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ScriptInfo xmlns="urn:msgpluscripts" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" Version="1.0">
<Name>TextReplacer+Capititalizer v1.0</Name>
<Description>Este script torna maiúscula o primeiro caracter de cada frase e substitui palavras como "vc", "tb", "q" por "você", "também" e "que", respectivamente.
Para adicionar novas palavras edite o script em "Opções" -> Aba "Geral" -> Item de menu "Scripts"
Desenvolvido por Luiz Gonzaga dos Santos Filho
Comentários, sugestões, etc: lfilho@gmail.com</Description>
For starters your description is majorly waaaaaaaaay too long. And second, which causes the error, it contains a lot of characters which are not valid in XML (eg: the ">"). If you want to use those characters you need to use HTML/XML entities for them (eg: ">").
Originally posted by Marelo
Is there any restrictions on file naming, for example?
the file name of the XML must be "scriptinfo.xml" and must be saved in unicode.