Originally posted by newby
in place of [dir] or [file] can we place some cool icon?
zo can some girl see the differenc and easyer to see
what a FILE is or a DIR
i try to make a new emotion with that code [dir] or [file]
but do not working , it work simple wheen i typing !
Making an emote with the shortcut "[file]" worked for me. Make sure the emote shortcut is exactly the same as the [file] or [dir] (without caps or spaces)
Originally posted by Jellings
Sorry if this has already been said, but:
Wouldn't changing the "milliseconds between file listings" to something like 2000 (2 seconds) allow the script to send more than 14 messages (as they would not be all at the same time)?
I've made tests from 200ms to 3000s and plus! still blocks the messages, it's like a "block after 14 consecutive messages sent by a script no matter the time delay between them"
Would it be possible to make it only send 13 messages of file/folder lists, and in the 14th ask for the user to type a command such as "!next" or something that would list the next files, (the user typing this would reset the counter that only allows 14 posts)