Originally posted by newby
in place of [dir] or [file] can we place some cool icon?
zo can some girl see the differenc and easyer to see
what a FILE is or a DIR
i try to make a new emotion with that code [dir] or [file]
but do not working , it work simple wheen i typing !
Yes that wouldn't work because I use the /noicon command, as some files may contain smiley shortcuts and makes it more difficult to copy and paste... I'll think of a solution to this
Originally posted by Jellings
Making an emote with the shortcut "[file]" worked for me. Make sure the emote shortcut is exactly the same as the [file] or [dir] (without caps or spaces)
I find that hard to believe, either your /noicon command doesn't work as intended (strip all emoticons from messages) or then I don't know
Originally posted by Jellings
Would it be possible to make it only send 13 messages of file/folder lists, and in the 14th ask for the user to type a command such as "!next" or something that would list the next files, (the user typing this would reset the counter that only allows 14 posts)
That *could* be done ... I'll research it a bit further and report later