Originally posted by V@no
Ops, missed your replys, guys. Thanks.
If I may, would like to mention another thing.
When iT+ sends out the file with !sendme command, it displays message "Sending your file, thanks for using iTunes+ Music Server!". I dont know about you guys, but I didnt like that, because you can see that the file is being sent...
With !shareme command on other hand, the message is suggested, because you cant really see if file being shared or not, untill it synchronized...so the conclusion, I think it would be nice have that message displayed only on !shareme command.
Actually, this was added on suggestion. I was recently having problems with file transfers and the other person wasn't seeing them at all (messenger problem for all transfers, not iT+), and they tried to initiate the file transfer several times, so I added a message to show it had been started.
As a couple people already said, the brief pause in song play is iTunes, you'll see the same thing if you edit the song from iTunes itself.
And I'm not going to be able to do the paging or anything else until this weekend, or at earliest, possibly Friday night, I'm busy today and tomorrow. *cough*date*cough*