Originally posted by Nitrolinken
Originally posted by vaccination
It has also been implemented into the mess patch at www.mess.be
It can't make the "View Details" to medium.
Hmmmm that is great I am also using mess patch. I Just downloaded the most recent version but unfortunally I can't find the proper settings.
The only setting I can find is "Toon kleine schermafbeeldingen bij normale weergaven" (Show small pictures at normal display). But after selecting that option I don't see any difference.
My settings for MessPatch are:
backups=9 crc=1 general=34 polygamy=0 billmenu=0 wmp=256 swap=0 idle=256
spacescc=0 multiline=256 status=256 sharingad=0 remdptoast=0 sfolder=0 main=98 ml1=0
remt=0 aaotcl=0 altbg=0 remdp1=0 logonstatus=0 blinks=0 brand=0 swtab=0
dpclick=0 remdp2=0 boostpsm=0 email=0 sfbtn=0 spaceb=1 wltoday=1 dialerbtn=0
coldd=0 signoutb=1 psb=0 madd=1 addcb=0 sortcb=1 bottomcbar=0 managecbar=1
infob1=0 gleams=1 cldps=1 clrdps=0 noemos=0 showstatus=256 nopsm=0 songs=0
adb=1 search=1 convos=98 aaotcv=0 infob2=0 invb=0 sendb=0 webcb=0
callb=0 actb=0 playb=0 blockb=0 mlbtn=0 recvd=1 centertt=0 webci=0
getaw=1 dpclick2=0 hidedps=0 nudgep=0 nudges=0 prem=1 dybg=1 textad=1
advspace=1 emob=0 winksb=0 buzzb=0 vcb=0 fontb=0 coldd2=0 bgbtn=0
packs=0 centerft=0 sendb2=0 searchb=0 statusb=0 hwtabs=0
Can anyone help me out here?