In the event log section of your script you should add a space before the ( so that in the event log it matches the spacing of the other events logged. So the end code would look like this:
function autoSaveAll()
if(autoGetTime == 0) {return;}
// Debug.Trace("Auto saving...");
regSet("DPAutoGet", 1, "REG_DWORD");
var contacts = Messenger.MyContacts;
var count = 0;
var e = new Enumerator(contacts);
for (; !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext())
var cont = e.item();
// Debug.Trace("AS: checking " + cont.Email + " for DP updates...");
if(regExists(cont.Email + "\\LastDP"))
if(cont.DisplayPicture != regGet(cont.Email + "\\LastDP"))
// Debug.Trace("AS: Saving updated DP from: " + cont.Email);
MsgPlus.LogEvent(cont.Name + " (" + cont.Email + ")",
"Display Picture Changed (Saved)", 8);
else if(addEvent)
MsgPlus.LogEvent(cont.Name + " (" + cont.Email +")",
"Display Picture Removed", 8);
if(count > 0)
MsgPlus.DisplayToast("DPGet - AutoGet",
"DPGet has automatically saved " + count
+ " updated Display Pictures");
MsgPlus.AddTimer("DPAutoGet", autoGetTime);
Also right now in the Recorded Events.xml file the first line of the event reads () but I believe this is a bug with Messenger Plus! Live because it is designed to show the name and email address there but with the MsgPlus.DisplayToast function those are not specified. I have already contacted Patchou about this issue and I'm awaiting a reply.