Originally posted by ben_b
Never Work Again
Do you think we could hide the value in the password field? In the menu, if the option for something isn't checked you should probably remove that item from the menu. What happenends if you check something to enable it but leave the value at 0? To solve the problem of missing the toast you could have an option to keep showing it ever x minutes until you click it (make optional in options, also I don't think you can do this but if you can just have it display it until you click it (to go to page and stop toasts) or right-click it (to hide and stop toasts)).
i'm working on the password obfuscation now, but my xml is crappy, i'm trying to learn and implement it at the same time lol. i'd like to have the alert stay until you dismiss it, but i think it'll have to be done in xml, which is again, not my strong suite. unless someone else w/ a lil more experience is interested in doing a little xml coding
Minor updates finished and released, see first post!