RE: help with an essay, everyone will be able to contribute.
teh weird thing is, i was actually thinking about sexuality.
we do not choose are sexuality on our own - we are influenced majorly. i think its what is the 'norm'. i know im being vague here so let me give you an example. i am currently attracted to males only (this is because the idea of lesbians has been portrayed for so long as the 'wrong thing' and because when i think of lesbians i think of two hot chicks making out and guys loving it, i dont want or like that kind of attention) anyway, i think, that if i had a sex change and became a male and spent the time i normally spend with females, with males, id start to like females rather than males.
i dont think you can be born homo or hetro - its all in your thinking. its what we learn and grow to accept. although i dont have anything against homo or hetro people im finding it a bit hard to comprehend the actual sexual acts committed by homo people.