Originally posted by Time
An interesting thing most people never realise is that both concepts of evolution and religion consider homosexuality wrong. Interesting, huh? I tend, as a scientist, to agree with evolution/biology... homosexuality does not allow for procreation and continuance of a species thus I would frown upon it. But as a liberal person *shrug* it's down to you, it's your life to live and enjoy in whichever way you see fit. I would not judge anyone because they were gay or whatnot, I discriminate based on individual merits or lack thereof.
Actually, I read an article the other day that pointed out that surely if homosexuality was an evolutionary fault, it would have been stamped out by now, and it would be unlikely to be noticeable in other species. It suggested that homosexuals provided an essential social factor helping the overall survival of the species. Whether or not nice curtains and show tunes are an essential social factor I'll let you decide.
Not sure whether I'd agree that evolution would bring out homosexuality, but it does make an interesting point... the whole point of evolution is if it doesn't benefit the species then it's fixed, so why is homosexuality still here if it's not meant to be?