Edit: @Cookie: The title is fine as for the purpose it is intended(Plus, bluntly, it's his addon/script, up to him on the name). I agree that it is innacurate, but this can be explained in the post(perhaps with big red letters)as to why it isn't techincally a Window open/close notifier. As it is, people who used StuffPlug would recognise it.
I have 2 ideas
1. You either hook the recieved message window and insert it there... I don't think this is the ideal solution though as what will you do when the window is closed (well... open one
2. You use an "Action Message", similar to the "xyz has sent a nudge!". Now i'm sure that you don't want to send it to the other contact... But maybe (Hypothetically speaking) you could send it to the local messenger only as if it's coming from the other contact.
From the
Originally posted by MSNPiki
New Message Headers (Switchboard)
Starting from the WLM 8.0.0683 branches, Microsoft has introduced several new headers for messages sent in a Switchboard session. Details can be found below.
Data Cast - ID 4
Setting the ID of a Data Case to 4 allows you to send an "action message", like the message "xyz has sent you a nudge!", but the font color is dark gray. The Data header must be set to the text you want WLM to display.
Note! You require to promote MSNC6 in order to receive Action Messages
MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n
Content-Type: text/x-msnmsgr-datacast\r\n
ID: 4\r\n
Data: Your text here\r\n
PlugIn-Context Header
Whenever a Plug-In (or "Add-In") sends a message, this field is included. It tells the receiving client(s) wether the message was sent by a Plugg-In or not.
Content-Type: text/x-msnmsgr-datacast\r\n
PlugIn-Context: 1\r\n